I live at 102号室 アルカサール すみれ 希望が丘 2-丁目 4-14 長岡市 新潟県 Japan 940-2124. How's that? Actually, I don't know how to write Kanji, so I will just post the address in romaji so that you can send me some snail mail when you have the time. #102 Arukasa-ru Sumire, Kibougaoka 2-choume 4-14, Nagaoka Shi, Niigata Ken, Japan 940-2124. The Katakana of my apartment name is supposed to be in English, but I can't figure it out. If you know, please do tell me.
These are pictures of my apartment, which I took yesterday. I haven't had the energy to clean it well.

<<<----- This is the view from my door. To the right is the washing machine we bought at a 2nd-hand shop. It cost us only 6,000 yen. The stove and the refrigerator were already there. The plastic bag on the left side contains empty bottles. I haven't had time to throw them yet. Trash here has to be segregated and thrown at their scheduled disposal dates and at designated areas.

The door leads to the main room. Toilet and bath is on the left.
This is what you see when you open the door from the kitchen. The aircon is also another appliance that came with the apartment. Below it is what I used as blanket/comforter/bed sheet. The sofa bed was also bought at the same store as the washing machine, and at the same price. Can you see the curtain rod? We bought it at a nearby store (25-minute walk). I still had some clothes hanging there.

<<<----- This table was also bought at the 2nd-hand shop for 1,500 yen. The laptop was bought in Akihabara (it's 2nd-hand also) when we went there one weekend. It's not obvious in the picture, but what's on the plate is my food for dinner, pork adobo. The TV set was given to me by Febri (she got it from her Indonesian friend who went home already). I don't have any other table, so my things are just on the floor.

This is proof of how cluttered my room is. My clothes and some other stuff are in the cabinet. On top of the cabinet is a space where one can sleep, but I use it to put some of my toiletries and other things. When I clean the clutter on the floor, it usually goes on the loft. Haven't tried sleeping there for fear I might fall. On the stairs are my laundry. Don't have a laundry bag. But today, I put my laundry in a plastic bag and placed the bag inside the cabinet.
So, that's it. you've seen what's inside my apartment. I still have to take the picture from outside. To my friends, please do send me a letter, so that I won't feel so lonely here.